Mother filled with happiness on seeing father - son flying through air

Mother filled with happiness on seeing father - son flying through air

Mother filled with happiness on seeing father - son flying through air

Flights landing at Katunayaka Bandaranaika Airport is not a strange phenomenon nor a rare sight. It is just ordinary. But flight No. AK 047 belonging to Air Asia Airlines of Malaysia which drew nigh to Bandaranaika Airport on 24th night at 9.45 happened to reverse aviation history. 

This plane which zoomed in through the clouds changed aviation history and it became an unforgettable and colourful souvenir because at the cockpit was the father and son duo who piloted
the plane concerned. Such a phenomenon has not been recorded in the aviation history of this country. Uditha Danwattha is the proud father while Kavisha Danwattha is equally the proud son. The father was the chief pilot while the co-pilot was none other than his son Kavisha. 

"This flight is something very special to me. I arrived in Katunayaka from the city of Kuala Lumpur with my son piloting the plane. Actually my co-pilot was of course none other than my only son Kavisha Danwattha. What a pride it is to me!" That is how Mr. Uditha Danwattha released his joy to the media at Katunayaka Airport. On that moment when flight No. 047 kissed the earth in this motherland, Kavisha's mother was present there to be a participant of that glorious moment, clutching on to a bouquet of flowers. Though she imagined that one day in history her husband and only son would record this feat one fine day ... she may not have dreamed that it would happen this soon. Son Kavisha in fact displayed these skills while still in her somewhat tender years of 21 years. "This is a dream that was in my mind even from my small days. I was able to realise that dream at the age of 22 years. My loving mother, father and teachers who supported me achieving this moment ... I thank them so much". That is what Kavisha Danwattha told media. True to the word, history has been transformed by courageous individuals ... people who pursued their dreams. 

At a time when the north and east were in flames, Kavish's father was virtually playing with fighter jets such as kfir and mig aircrafts. In fact he joins Sri Lankan air force in the year 1988 at a time when the war was at its height. This soldier who displayed his exploits up above in the air against terrorists was awarded the Ranawickrema award three times and the Rana Shoora award four times for the skills performed by him in space. On one occasion, a gun shot happened to pierce wing commander's Mr. Uditha Danwattha's chest. However, Mr. Uditha Danwattha who challenged the enemy's objective managed to bring the aircraft away from danger towards the intended target. This heroic effort was christened with Mr. Danwattha achieving the Deshaputra award. 

He bade farewell to his life in the battle-field in the year 2007 and afterwards served Sri Lankan and Mihin Lanka companies. Subsequently, he joined Air Asia Airline services of Malaysia. He now is attached to that company in the capacity of a captain. 

Mr. Uditha Danwattha is a distinguished Old Boy of Mahanama College, Colombo while his son Kavisha Danwattha is a student who brought glory to Royal College, Colombo. It was Kavisha Danwattha's father who motivated him to join Air Asia Airlines. After a training period of five months Kavisha joins his father's airliner in the position of a co-pilot and that is last January. 

In the process, Mr. Uditha Danwattha's brother is undergoing treatment at a hospital in Singapore. It is with Mr. Uditha Danwattha's wife that he visits his brother in Singapore to inquire about the brother's health condition. Later they board Air Asia airliner to return to Sri Lanka. Before departure of the flight it is customary for the pilot to speak a few words to the passengers. As such, the pilot in that plane addressed the passengers. On that occasion neither Mr. Uditha Danwattha nor his wife could believe their ears. That voice was that of none other but of their own son Kavisha. "My father and mother are with you all in this flight in which I too am", Kavisha said.

"We really did not know that the pilot of that plane was our son. When we came to know about it, we were elated", Mr. Uditha Danwattha told media. "When son was studying for the advanced level, during his free time he underwent training in aircrafts. We bore all expenses to acquire the license. I believe that the best gift that could be given by parents to their child is to give support for the child to go forward in whatever category he or she chooses". Those are the words of Mr. Uditha Danwattha who hardly had anymore words to express his joy. This father and son who changed the history of civil aviation in this country once again set off to Kuala Lumpur town in Malaysiafrom Katunayaka Bandaranaika International Airport at 10.55 in the night on 24th. 

- Prasanna Sanjeewa Tennakoon / T.K.G. Kapila -

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