Mausakelle Reservoir caught in drought ... robes donated to Samadhi statue that surfaces

Mausakelle Reservoir caught in drought ... robes donated to Samadhi statue that surfaces

Mausakelle Reservoir caught in drought ... robes donated to Samadhi statue that surfaces

As a result of the dry weather prevailing for many months in the central hills the Mausakelle Reservoir, Maskeliya was submerged with water and from among ruins that emerged, a samadhi Buddha statue and bodhivihara were observed. 

In this connection, a donation of Buddhist robes and samadhi statue accompanied by the maha sangha pinkama was conducted day before yesterday (24) in the midst of Maussakele Reservoir. This almsgiving pinkama which is which is held by Sri Pada Welenda Sangamaya in Rickoton area,
Maskeliya annually because of Maussakele Reservoir water sinking down to its depths during dry
seasons with the intention of wishing prosperity to the whole nation ... to bring the drought to an end. 

The samadhi Buddha statue which by now has gone into ruin and which incidentally was instituted at the Buddhist vihara in Old Maskeliya town and the bodhivihara were donated by Buddhist robes and were covered by them in this instance with patronage of Subsitha Thero of Sri Sumanaramadhipathi of Maskeliya. After lunch was served to the maha sangha who were present, the robes and pindapatha senasana was offered in this instance. On this occasion, theros of Rickoton Sri Jalanandharamadhipathi Thapovanaya, Sannachittha and Maskeliya Sri Sumanaramavasi Thapovanaya Anubodhi were present. 

Sub-inspector Mr. Ananda Premasiri of Maskeliya police and attendant police officers, representatives of Rickoton Sri Pada Velenda Sangamaya, the business community comprising Buddhist and Hindus near Maussakele police road barrier participated on this oasion. 

(Photos and note -- Gamini Bandara Ilangathillaka - Maskeliya) 

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