"The reason for our separation is revealed from the birth of the second child" -- Dilshan's first wife speaks out
Cricketer T.M. Dilshan who was served a warrant by courts for not having appeared for a maintenance case recently, finally came to courts and told media that he could not be present that day because his lawyers had made a blunder on the date. Simultaneously he has added that he was not prepared to pay his former wife the monies he earned with the sweat of his brow. He also said that he had paid a sum of 300 lakhs and that he pays a sum of 40,000 every month and that media which slings mud at him is making up this story.
However, cricketer T.M. Dilshan's former wife Mrs. Nilantha Withanage has addressed the media for
the first time and explained that there are incorrect points included in his comments. But she does not refer to any direct reason for the marriage between her and Dilshan to fall apart initially but states that anyone who understands the difference between the birthdate of the child of Dilshan's second wife and the date May 9, 2008 when Dilshan obtained divorce from her.
She states that Dilshan has not paid 300 lakhs any day although he has told the media that he had done so. According to the case filed against Dilshan he had bestowed a house worth 8 million and an old car only as divorce redress and had paid only 20,000 a month for the child and that since then he had not taken interest during the past 9 months to visit the child or to speak to him at all, she says. She further says that Dilshan has not even come to see a match of her son who she says has skills in cricket. She adds that he has not even remembered to wish the child for his birthday and that it is she who even buys and gives him sports equipment.
She further mentions that she has had to make her way to courts once again as Dilshan has refrained from making the maintenance payment of 20,000 for the last 4 months which he is deemed to pay according to law. On that occasion she says that she asked for just 1 percent of Dilshan's monthly earnings of 25 million for her son and that he had objected to make that payment in which instance the courts ordered him to pay 40,000 and she added that as he had not appeared for that maintenance case he was ordered to be taken into custody. She states that she on no occasion had requested for money from time to time though Dilshan has exposed so to the media. She finally says that although it was said that he was not able to be present in courts because his lawyer forgot to record the date, at the time that date was announced Dilshan, Dilshan's father as well as attorneys-at-Law were all present in courts and that the story of 'having forgotten' is just a woven up story. Her full story, from below
(Courtesy -- srilankamirror.com)