Why accusations only against my father? -- Ravi's daughter Onella asks
Foreign Minister Ravi Karunanayaka's daughter Onella Chiranthi Karunanayaka has posed a question across her Facebook Account in relation to her father who has been subjected to a barrage of attacks these days in social media by saying that because of things circulating in the social media her father has been subjected to character assassination
and her father who did good things during the past 2 years was not attacked -- but now being accused and being subjected to negative allegations is not justified. Though she says that she respects the expression of opinion of everybody, she pleads those who attack one single individual this way to rethink about it with an open mind.
She once more recalling what her father told the media after coming out from the commission, she has ended her comments quoting 'More than being targeted by enemies, the perception of comrades causes pain of mind'. Onella's Facebook comment, from below