Susanthika Jayasinghe hospitalized
Renown athlete Susanthika Jayasinghe has been admitted to Gampaha Hospital this morning with injuries. After the hospital police were informed that she had sustained injuries in this manner as a consequence of an assault by her husband, her husband Dhammika Nanda Kumara was taken into
custody by Weliveriya Police under suspicion.
In the year 2011 too Susanthika happened to undergo domestic violence in the same manner. A case where hr husband was taken int police custody regarding an assault made on Susanthika in April 2011 was reported at a time when they were living in Horana area. On that the said husband had been released on bail after severe warning. Susanthika is the mother of 2 children while her husband had in fact been serving as an athletic coach of Susanthika for sometime. The previous Gossip Lanka news item of Susanthika being assaulted by her husband, from here