Before the protest walk Kelani Uni students issued a court order
The Officer in Charge of the Fort police station had received information that today the 15th instant the university students of the Kelaniya University that they intend making a walk in a procession from Kelaniya to Fort and then would make a protest
campaign opposite the presidential secretariat.
The information received by the OIC of the Fort police station had been immediately brought to the notice of the Fort magistrate.
Considering the facts brought to notice the Fort magistrate had issued a restraining disciplinary order to those students to refrain from taking part in their proposed walk and their protest campaign. In this disciplinary order it had been said that they could have the walk but not the protest campaign. But while walking the students were informed not to make any bother and inconvenience to the traffic and pedestrians.
It had been stated that disturbing the staff at government offices and those at the presidential secretariat is also is prohibited. It had been cautioned not to make any attempt to forcibly enter the presidential secretariat premises.