Student societies remove CCTV at Kelaniya campus

Student societies remove CCTV at Kelaniya campus

Student societies remove CCTV at Kelaniya campus

The CCTV set of equipment fixed recently for safety of the university by Kelaniya campus administrators was opposed by campus student societies and what was reported this morning (25) was that this set of equipment which was in progress was disconnected by force and handed over to the administration sectors.

The necessity of establishing CCTV for protection of Kelaniya campus was something that came in
for controversy for sometime. What students say is that these videos are made use of to control them. Because of opposition of the students there was a delay in fixing the equipment and since necessity of security flared up with the series of the recent Easter attacks, the administration was able to install the CCTV cameras showing justified reasons for those protests. Whatever it is, protests of a section of students continued with their protests. These students had forcibly removed the said equipment and handed them to the management and have also left a comment on the facebook as well, as follows

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