Thero who showed impermanence of life and departed after sustaining a gun shot

Thero who showed impermanence of life and departed after sustaining a gun shot

Thero who showed impermanence of life and departed after sustaining a gun shot

The crux of Lord Buddha's philosophy is that everything decays. Even a Buddhaputra too is heir to that philosophy. Confirming this, a thero passed away last week unexpectedly because of a gun shot which struck him ... throwing the whole country into a shock. 

The deceased in that instance is Unawatune Seelarathna thero, aged twenty two years. The referred to
tragedy struck on the afternoon of last 19th when he and six theros were on their way for an almsgiving in the afternoon. Unawatune Seelarathna thero was from Hungama Purana Raja Maha Vihara. Seelarathna thero had his education at Sri Sumangala Vidyathanaya at Hathagala Purana Raja Maha Vihara and it is a short period of one year since he was selected to the university. 

Seelarathna thero was undergoing studies as a first year scholar - thero and has set off to go to university on 19th morning around ten thirty and that was after spending about ten days at the vihara on holidays from the university. Seelarathana thero who set off to the university worshipped at the feet of Hathagala Purana Raja Maha Viharadhipathi ven. Palema Jinarathana Nayaka thero. On that occasion, the nayaka thero told Seelarathana thero: "Podinama .. there is a shortage of one thero for almsgiving in the afternoon ... what's to be done?" "Then nayaka thero ... I'll attend the almsgiving and then go to campus," Seelarathna thero told nayaka thero. 

Accordingly, nayaka thero of Hathagala Purana Vihara seven theros inclusive of Unawatune Seelarathna thero set off in a van to attend the afternoon almsgiving pinkama of a donor of the vihara and that was along Hungama Daniya route. The van which left the vihara could travel only a short period of approximately five minutes. A sergeant and a constable attached to Hungama police traffic division were on their way on a motor-bike for their daily duties. 

During this process, eyes of the two police officers were targeted on an individual who was travelling on a scooter displaying a queer mode of behaviour. This individual on the bike was even not wearing a helmet. These police officers ordered the rider of the bike to stop the vehicle. But he had fled without heeding the order. The time was closing in upon exactly eleven in the afternoon. The police officers then started pursuing the rider who was fleeing disregarding their orders. In the process the theros who were arriving for the almsgiving pinkama along that same route being transported in the van. 

Thus it was this bike that fled at lightning speed passing the van. Just then it was the police motor-bike passing the van. Only a few seconds passed. The scooter which fled when trying to take a turn to the right at Molatiya junction along Hungakdeniya route ... toppled over. The rider who fell down at that moment had tried to free from police. Police officers at that very moment managed to get hold of that person. Subsequently a struggle took place among the three of them. Right at that moment it was the van carrying the theros that went passing that place. The van noticing the the struggle between the police officers and the suspected person begun to drive slowing down at that place to a certain extent. The van could move only a few metres. 

In the process Seelarathna thero who was in the back seat was resting towards the thero closest to him. What then met the eyes of Jinarathana thero who looked back was a tragical scene. Just then the vehicle had come to a halt. When everybody got together and made inspection what they happened to see was a pool of blood. It was because of a bullet that had pierced Seelarathna thero's flanks. What had transpired was that the thero who became the victim of the gunshot was that a pistol a police officer had round his belt had gone off when the two police officers were struggling with the suspect. At that very spot Seelarathna thero who was inside the van has peeped from the window. 

Seelarathna thero who sustained the gun shot was taken to Angunakolapelessa provincial hospital by the driver of the vehicle, the two police officers and villagers. However, even by the time he was admitted to hospital, the thero had breathed his last. Police officers who pursued the suspect was someone who was involved in narcotics dealings. After being produced before court, he was remanded till 27th of this month. Police department is conducting a separate inquiry about the two police officers who had the pistol in their possession and the inquiry is headed by Tangalla assistant superintendent of police II, Mr. Ratnaweera L. Adassuriya under total supervision of deputy inspector general of police in charge of Tangalla district, Mr. Jagath Palihakkara. A report has been called for from Mr. Chandana Wickremaratna, acting inspector general of police by the national police commission. 

The pistol concerned in this incident too has been directed to the government analyst and Angunukolapelessa magistrate further ordered that further information in that context be reported. In the meantime,the driver of the van has told media that the two police officers were coming while engaged in shooting. However it still has not been confirmed. Hathagala vihara nayaka thero who was travelling in that vehicle spoke about this unfortunate incident in the following manner: "We were on our way in the van for an alms-giving. A scooty-type bike overtook our van and passed by. Just then a police bicycle too raced past our van. After a short moment we saw the scooty bile fallen on the ground. Something had happened there. Our van passed that spot. When two or three metres passed ... only when looking back I noticed the podinama leaning towards another thero's body ... then only a pool of blood was to be seen inside the van". That was the eye-witness account of that thero. 

Seelarathana thero was born and bred in Unawatuna area, Buttala and has entered monkhood while still studying in grade five. Two innocent villagers, M.D. Premarathna and G.H. Malani were his parents. Seelarathna thero happened to be the eldest and only son in the family. The thero's only sister, M.D. Subhashini is presently studying in grade eight. The lay and clergy who wept bitterly in front of the dead body of the thero which lay till last 22nd at Hathagala Purana Rajamaha vihara numbered in thousands. The wailing of Seelarathna podi hamuduruwo's mother inevitably brought a tear to those who saw and heard it. 

"I have today lost the only son I had. To see whom should I come to the temple with daughter? To whom should I venerate now? Oh my darling son!" Throughout the past few days villagers around Sungama, Hathagala decorated the whole area with yellow flags and expressed sorrow to pay respects to Seelarathna podi hamuduruwo. Such a big number of people rocked to in that manner because of the humble qualities the thero possessed and the service rendered by him to the sasana in a short space of time. 

Note:  Amila Malawisuriya
Photos: Sanath Gamage   

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