Signs that SLFP is on their last journey within next few weeks!

Signs that SLFP is on their last journey within next few weeks!

Signs that SLFP is on their last journey within next few weeks!

Mr. Bandaranaike's Sri Lanka Freedom Party would be dissolving within the next few weeks and would be dividing into two, political sources have revealed already. The main reason for this is the Rajapaksa group of brothers who came on stage as a separate party. Everybody rocked round one leader because after the SLFP came under the wings of Mahinda's leadership in 2005 thus not leaving an opportunity for a party to come into being with another leader ... for about 10 years; thus it
becoming a playground of the Rajapaksas. 

The UNP which incidentally came into power with with majority support under leadership of Maithripala ... later on did not click with it as such. The voting machine was with Mahinda. As  a result it was Mahinda SLFP party supporters who chose Mahinda as the leader whom they knew for the small election. A crowd of SLFP MPs who are at present with the President have decided to join hands with the UNP while another group has decided to join with the Pohottuwa, political sources have reported. What reliable sources of information say is that it is Duminda Dissanayaka, Mahinda Amaraweera and 8 MPs who want to go into an alliance with the UNP as a separate group. Two seniors of this group have met Prime Minister Mr. Ranil Wickremasingha last Tuesday and had gone into a long discussion. Though Mr. Dayasiri Jayasekera too was supposed to participate in this instance, it had been avoided at the last moment, it has been reported. As a result, it is quite likely that this group would go into an alliance with the UNP within the next few weeks. 

A crowd of more than ten seniors of the SLFP decided to go into an alliance with Pohottuwa. Mr. S.B. Dissanayaka and Mr. Dilan Perera have held long discussion in this connection with Mr. Basil Rajapaksa. It is understood that Mr. Nimal Siripala de Silva too is expected to join in this discussion in the recent future. However, organisers of Pohottuwa have launched a strong protest in Kegalle and a number of districts about joining hands with two or three SLFP MPs to Pohottuwa. 

In the meantime, a former minister and a senior of the SLFP has met Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa and proposed to allocate 30% of nominations for the group joining from the SLFP for the next general elections. Whatever it is, the UNP and Pohottuwa have decided to establish an alliance within the next fortnight and this changing of camps may take place with the alliances being stabilized. Political sources say that with this changeover, the SLFP would dissolve and be on its last journey.   

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