3 months since bomb attack ... Katuwapitiya church reopened today

3 months since bomb attack ...  Katuwapitiya church reopened today

3 months since bomb attack ...
Katuwapitiya church reopened today

As a result of attacks launched on April 31st Easter Sunday and in several other places in Sri Lanka exactly 3 months before throwing the whole world into a shock and hundreds of people lost their lives and hundreds of others were wounded in the proces. Damage done and heartaches particularly to the Catholic community was indeed immense. In this context it was the bomb that was targeted at Katuwapitiya church in Negombo that suffered the greatest damage with hundreds becoming a prey to the bomb from all such attacks.
Katuwapitiya church which suffered this damage is reopened today (21) after a period of three months. 

What administrator of Katuwapitiya parish priest Fr. Rev. Manjula Niroshan mentioned was that activities of reopening is to be carried out under supervision of archbishop most reverend Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith. Rededication of Katuwapitiyaya service and a special mass commenced under auspices of archbishop Malcolm Ranjith Cardinal this morning at 8. Shown below are scenes of how the church looked yesterday (20). 

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