Chathurika to be mother of a daughter ... in two months hence

Chathurika to be mother of a daughter ... in two months hence

Chathurika to be mother of a daughter ... in two months hence

It is no longer a secret that popular actress Chathurika Peris is soon to become a mother. The latest news about Chathurika who aspires to become a mother was mentioned by her to a weekend newspaper.

* Chathurika ... have you kept away from acting these days?
   Yes. Temporarily stopped and relaxing. The delivery date of baby is about two or two and a half months more. I and Gayan were involved in work during the past recently. Most activities we were
engaged in during the Easter attack were delayed. After that as I was to get my baby ... didn't accept any new assignments.

* Does that mean that there are creations which fans were to see?
   There are teledramas which were shot in ten, fifteen segments. It is only in an environment after I get my baby that I will accept new assignments as such. If producers have to continue with already partially completed creations ... sometimes shooting of those scenes will have to proceed in my absence. 

* What is the latest situation about production activities of the tele drama both of you were involved in?
   These days we are not engaged in production activities. The main reason for that is the political and economic instability in the country. We're hoping to go ahead with production activities only if the country reaches a stabilized level. If not, there is no point in spending a big sum of money and do something by waiting a long time.

* Getting closer to becoming a mother ... how do you spend these days?
   I feel a big sense of happiness and responsibility. Am anxiously awaiting the days when I will be attending to baby's work once I get my baby. We have a responsibility from the moment of the child's education and after she grows up till she gets married. In the time ahead ... decisions about things we will be doing will be taken in a way that the child will not be inconvenienced. Even where are our professional activities are concerned; we would be attending to so that it would not impeded child's activities. 

* To make certain ... is your baby going to be boy or girl?
   I am to get a baby girl. There is no problem whether our child is going to be a boy or girl ... but Gayan of course prefers a baby girl. So I also prefer a baby girl. 

* Did you'll pre-plan and envisage a baby at a period of time like this
   There was no specific decision as such. But we of course did have an idea that for such a thing from last year. We did not however imagine that it should happen in this period of time as such. 

* Were there any special desires when you were to get a baby?
   That is the most important thing. I of course did not have an urge that I want to eat. I felt like I wanted only fresh orange juice, mangoes and things like that. Things like meat, fish eggs I sort of detested. It was vegetables that I ate mostly.

* Is the new visitor to your family someone special to parents of both sides?
   As there are grandchildren to both our families and Gayan's family ... there is nothing so very special. They feel it as something normal. This is but special to me and Gayan. 

* Will you go away from acting with the phenomena of acting?
   We both will not leave our profession. Gaya too does not like I being confined to domestic work as a wife at home. I like to be busy. Instead of just spending life as it is ... I like if there is a lot of work. In days ahead I will have a lot of work as a mother, actress and businesswoman. 

* If your contemporary actresses enter the role of motherhood ... you have still not reached that position ... isn't it?
   The role of a middle-aged mother still does not suit me. If there is no faith in the character I portray ... such roles I do not like to engage in. It does not matter whether I get a role as a mother or some other as an actress. If my role fits into my range as such ... I would do it. 

* Is Chathurika who is familiar with the role of traditional housewife?
   Things like arranging and cleaning up must be done by me. I get a feeling that I do not feel content if those things are handled by others. Gayan sometimes even blames me. I of course do not attend to any cooking activities at home. Either a person who works at home or our mother handles that aspect. But cleaning up and arranging them is done by me.

* Chathurika ... are you someone who is not familiar with cooking?
   Even from those days I did no cooking. I do not know to cook Sri Lankan traditional food. I know only to make small things like sandwiches. Gayan does not look forward to my cooking.

* Is the mode of income of both of you, acting?
   Acting and production activities have become the main lines of ou income. Can't say whether it will change in future. If instability in this country continues ... we would have to sell these property and lands and go overseas. 

* Do you Chathurika have any such idea?
   There is no such thought of going abroad and living there. I feel that it would be better if according to the present environment in the country ... to familiarise our child to a foreign environment and live that way. There is a big mess right from education itself. If those things change for the better ... then there is no problem as such. This is the best country where we could live.

- Dhammika Suranji Pathirana - 
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