Those in VIP vehicles who assaulted van driver ... taken into custody

Those in VIP vehicles who assaulted van driver ... taken into custody

Those in VIP vehicles who assaulted van driver ... taken into custody

The incident of an assault launched by some persons who came in a VIP vehicle and VIP security vehicle in Kalagedihena last week created an uproar across the internet. Because of video was published in relation to the incident referred to, evidence was secured and what emerged as a point of curiosity to most people was as to who these people who took on the disguise of dignitaries. 

These people have beat a retreat in vehicle No. CAG - 0550 and CAD - 8850 and on inquiring about
ownership of the relevant jeeps, it was revealed that the land cruiser Prado bearing No. CAG - 0550 belonged to one Dinesh Nuwan Amaratunga resident at Gallegama, Ingiriya and the defender bearing No. CAD - 8850 was owned by one Indula Sampath Bandara Amaratunga at address No. 34, Gallegama, Ingiriya. 

Owner of the land cruiser Dinesh Nuwan Amaratunga was an engineer by profession and in addition is an attorney at law and a mathematician who also is someone who conducts workshops for the law university entrance, administration service examinations and bank examinations, it was revealed. After surrendering to Colombo criminal division, two persons connected to the incident concerned were taken into custody. One of those taken into custody happens to be 45 year old Gamini Wijeysuriya of Matugama, the driver of the defender. The other person is, 32 year old Susantha Bandara of Aralaganwila. Another person by the name of Sandun Pushpakumara (44) living in Thalgasdola connected to today's incident was arrested. 

According to inquiries carried out now, it was revealed that these individuals have no connection to politics as such but were utilised as security personnel as VIP politicians disguised in that manner.

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