"It was proved by Madush's incident that opinions in Sri Lanka is being handled by gossip" -- Upul Premarathna

"It was proved by Madush's incident that opinions in Sri Lanka is being handled by gossip" -- Upul Premarathna

"It was proved by Madush's incident that opinions in Sri Lanka is being handled by gossip" -- Upul Premarathna

A debatable situation cropped up about certain points expressed by Udul Premarathna, a present attorney at law and a former convenor who in fact went to provide legal advice to Amal Perera and Nadeemal Perera who were taken into custody with Makandure Madush. What he says is that a large volume of information went round about Amal - Nadeemal being taken into custody. It is in the
following manner that Udul has expressed his ideas to a weekend newspaper in this connection:

* What is the role that you play within the field of law?
It is 11 years since I took my oaths as a lawyer. But it took me quite some time to put my head into the profession called 'lawyer'. In the same way, because of my previous activity I had to operate inevitably in something related to the field of human rights. If you speak about Matti's case, Kondaya's case ... it is so ... people suffering in this country. They are half humans who have been discarded by this society; or else, like dust. I appeared on their behalf and mediated in order for them to claim their decisive rights. I was able to have the police officer who beat Batti get his punishment and compensate her with a fine after 4 years. In the same way, I was able to prove that Kondaya was not wrong. If not, instead of the guilty person, an innocent party will have to face punishment. With these things, I used to get more and more cases in relation to criminal law. There is no scope in this profession to choose a field where one can do so by passing an exam as such. 

* Like some lawyers ... do you get money from NGOs?
  That accusation is not relevant to me at all. But there are others who take money like that and do various things. They are the people who deprive the support that this country could obtain from non-governmental organisations ... those who destroy action of civil society. My opinion is ... it does not matter getting money from non-governmental organisations. But actually that money should be directed towards masses of this country. If I too get like that ... I like. With that money I can give a lot of help to people. 

* Allegations were aimed at you for going to Dubai to appear on behalf of Makandure Madush when he was arrested?
  By now gossip has been able to operate an opinionated situation in Sri Lanka. That is why you ask that question. Lanka e-news has somehow managed to come to know that I went to Dubai and called me. Because my phone was on roaming status, they cooked up a piece of news. It was that news which went round the country across the media ... and not something which was reported after searching for the truth.

* If so ... according to you, what is the truth?
  Actually I went because of Amal Perera who is a friend of mine. This then is a private journey. Two other friends joined me on this journey. One of them is an intimate friend of Amal. When we came to know of this incident we got together and met Sohan and his home people and discussed about this. We went there after taking copies of passport photos of Amal and Nadeemal. Till we went, we did not know even where they were detained.But still for all, gossip began to spread. It was to find out what help we could give to Amal and Nadeemal that we went there. When we went there they had not received even any clothing for them to dress. Neither did they have money to take a call. 

* But it was not they who sent you there ... isn't it?
  This is a journey that we undertook on a personal decision. But Sohan knows about  this journey. Listen to what he said, very carefully. Our media distorted it and broadcast it that way. If necessary, as a responsible media you can look into it. A false image was created to the public by that. When we went there we cane to know that nobody had gone there to visit them. I, Niroshan and Bandara took great pains to look for lawyers on behalf of Amal. Madush had by then already secured lawyers for them. We made a request from police not to make a travel blank once we find a lawyer for this father and son and from some method and have them banished. Because if that is done, they will have no chance of going to Europe from Dubai. After that we met the public security officer of Dubai police and made them understand that these are popular singers in Sri Lanka. For that purpose we showed them videos in YouTube where both of them sing. It was incorrectly broadcast in Sri Lanka the following day. 

* Isn't Amal actually not linked to these things?
  I an vouch hundred percent that Amal or Nadeemal are not connected to narcotics dealings, the diamond racket or assassination attempt on President. This father and son went to perform as singers. 

* Who is it that spent for this journey?
  Though this incident fell on our ears, Amal's friends and some of us got together and discussed  and that is how we collected the money for this journey. It costs Rs. 50,000 for the ticket to go up and down to Dubai. We went there and put up in houses of of our and Amal's friends. But gossip circulated here that I booked rooms in big hotels there. 

* Without coming back after attending to what you went for, you stayed back for three weeks itself. 
  When we went to see Amal, what he told me was it would be possible to get bail at the next court day and to help him and son. To give bail to one person, two persons who are Dubai citizens should hand over their identity cards or passports to apply for bail. After securing bail that way, without leaving Dubai it is possible to stay outside under temporary visa till the court case is over. So I stayed back there and arranged two of my friends and two friends of Amal who had Dubai passports and identity cards for that purpose. But our efforts were in vain. They refused to grant bail. I returned to Sri Lanka that same night. 

* By now, a suspicion has emerged about Amal returning to Sri Lanka is being delayed. 
  Gossip is developing that they are getting delayed to come because they have some connection or other with Madush. Dubai police are conducting the survey not in the manner that the police spokesman in Sri Lanka wants ... very accurately and impartially. They cannot be swayed with influence of politics or money. Police in that country are not foolish to make criminals out of a father and son who went to sing. Therefore, as soon as inquiries are over, judgement will be given. I believe that in the near future they will be back in the island. 

- Rasika Kotudurage -   

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