Contradictory statements among 4 Rajapaksas ... about Presidential candidate

Contradictory statements among 4 Rajapaksas ...  about Presidential candidate

Contradictory statements among 4 Rajapaksas ...
about Presidential candidate

The two brothers of Opposite party leader and son Namal have expressed contradictory statements about a Presidential candidate since last 13th. What political sources reveal is that Mahinda faction has created this story on purpose to confuse their rivals. 

Political sources have revealed that when the case where Gotabhaya Rajapaksa is to appear in court in relation to the offence of building a memorial museum of his father with state funds in the
background and is to be heard next week from 22nd on a daily basis, thus expected to be brought to a close, political sources say that in order to flaunt his powers, Gotabhaya has made a statement, "if you are ready for Presidential Election ... I am ready". At the same time, there is a talk going round that he has returned to Sri Lanka from America after making arrangements to solve his matter regarding American citizenship. 

Further, on the very day Gotabhaya said this, his brother Basil Rajapaksa has said that definitely a candidate from 'Pohottuwa' will be forwarded for the 2020 Presidential Election; he has not divulged the name as such. With Gotabhaya still not appearing as a member of 'Pohottuwa', statements of Gotabhaya and Basil take on a contradictory perspective. 

In the meantime, the series of words of former Speaker, Chamal Rajapaksa who gave a statement to Lankadeepa newspaper yesterday 15th  was that, "if I am considered suitable for the position of President ... I am ready". It could be understood that these statements are statements uttered after the three of them had discussed with each other and an attempt to mislead listeners astray. In the meantime, Mahinda Rajapaksa's son member of parliament, Namal Rajapaksa has said the following words at a rally held in Hambantota Uda Mattala, yesterday (15): "It is not a big thing for us to choose a Presidential candidate. Neither do we fear to say that. The problem is ... before revealing who our Presidential candidate is; this government should say whether a Presidential Election will be held or a constitution will be brought. There is no point in choosing a candidate a constitution is brought and the Presidential System is abolished. But, we will tell the country who the real candidate is at the right time".

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