Dog massacre at BMICH premises?

Dog massacre at BMICH premises?

Dog massacre at BMICH premises?

An instance is reported of an instance of torture of a large number of dogs spending their time in Colombo Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall premises by an unknown group of people. It is however not clear whether this is a case of mass murder or the dogs were taken outside after being anaesthetised. It was reported that a certain group of persons had come to the conference hall premises that afternoon had been injecting some vaccination to dogs in the
environment and later those dogs had begun to writhe in pain and some of the dogs had collapsed on the ground silently.

A group that had come to that location for a religious meeting having seen this act has informed Animal Welfare and Protection Association about this. They suspect that the dogs who became silent at that very moment would have died then and there and dogs suffering in pain and were writhing had been taken away in a vehicle, it was found. The said religious group who went to inquire about this were told that this was not a case of dog massacre but an in instance of anaesthesising them and being taken the dogs to another location.

However, a suspicion has developed as to why the dogs were writhing in pain after being anaesthesised. The Animal Welfare and Protection activists had questioned Director General of the Conference Hall, Mr. Sunil Dissanayaka about the incident and his response was that he was not aware of such an incident. 
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