Renuka dies from accident while returning home after conducting Sinhala class!

 Renuka dies from accident while returning home after conducting Sinhala class!

Renuka dies from accident while returning home after conducting Sinhala class!

Among the 10 persons who died as a result of a van which crashed into a sidewalk in the town of Toronto, Canada it has now been confirmed by now that among them was a lady named Renuka Amarasingha who was a Canadian citizen by registration.

She was someone who was residing in Kattihena area, Kindelpitiya, Horana and having secured her citizenship had gone for permanent residence in Canada. She was a mother of a 7 year old child and
at the time of her demise she was 45 years of age. She is supposed to have been employed in Kuwait and had later migrated to Canada. Approximately a week ago she had come to Sri Lanka and had met her mother, brothers, sisters and acquaintances, spending a few days here and one of Renuka's sisters has told the media that subsequently she has left to Canada.

It is understood that Mrs. Renuka Amarasingha had been looking after her 7 year old child and she had faced this tragic end to her life when she had been returning home after having conducted a spoken Sinhala class for children of families who had migrated from Sri Lanka to Toronto. It is said that she happens to be a donor of the Buddhist temple in Toronto.

A sister of Renuka, the latter of whom is the youngest sister of a family comprising 3 brothers and sisters had this to say: "Nangi is now living in Canada for over a period of 17 years in Canada. After about 3 years she visited Sri Lanka with her child last April 2nd and on coming she visited our mother and also took some treatment fora small ailment she had on her leg. During the period of about 3 weeks she was with us she spent her time happily with us. the husband to whom nangi was married to separated from nangi a short period after her son was born. As such, she said that she would take steps to direct her son very quickly to a safe place. Nangi left Sri Lanka on the 17th of April. After going back she spoke to me once".

Renuka's brother has made these comments: "Initially nangi first of all went for employment in Kuwait in the year around 1994. Having worked there some years nangi went to the house of the son of our boss there in 2001. There nangi had got married to a person who was from Kalutara itself. The son whom she begot from that marriage is now schooling. Day-before-yesterday (24) a friend of nangi spoke to me and said that nangi had died of an accident. What they said was 'let's attend to the final rites in that country itself".

It is still not ascertained as to whether the incident of a van crashing into a sidewalk in the town of Toronto is a terrorist act or not. 10 persons have died from the incident while 15 have sustained injuries.

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