Boozing companions of businessman who drowned in Menik ganga stay deaf and dumb? -- person who wanted to buy aiya's hotel suspected -- Kataragama correspondent

 Boozing companions of businessman who drowned in Menik ganga stay deaf and dumb? --  person who wanted to buy aiya's hotel suspected -- Kataragama correspondent
Boozing companions of businessman who drowned in Menik ganga stay deaf and dumb? --
person who wanted to buy aiya's hotel suspected -- Kataragama correspondent

Hotelier K.D. Jayantha who is a British citizen had gone to bathe in Menik ganga with some friends and having disappeared, his dead body was recovered later inside a pit full of water. However, the younger brother of the deceased who happens to be the Kataragama correspondent, Mr. K.D. Devapriya for several media has said that it is suspicious as to why those who were involved in boozing with his brother appear to know nothing about this incident.

This is what he says about his brother who finally was found hidden within Menik ganga at a location
close to 'Pareyyan ella'. "It is my only brother who has died. He holds citizenship in England. He He runs a hotel in Sri Lanka. Was there in England for 16 years. He is a fun-loving person and also takes a delight in always travelling about places like this. One person who joined aiya made an offer to buy his hotel for a cheap price recently. Aiya did not like the offer. He was not on good terms with aiya. Aiya is also not a person who drinks like that as such. We got a call that aiya is missing. As such we came to look for him. We know this crowd well. But we were not told that aiya has disappeared. A provincial council member in this area is trying to throw this incident under the carpet. Why does he do so? If aiya had fallen, what should have been done first is to inform the police. Or else to tell us. These fellows just kept quiet without anything of that sort. Because of that we have suspicions about his death".

The dead body of 52 year old K.D. Jayantha Chandrasiri was found yesterday (22) with the aid of villagers and divers of the Navy. It was revealed at police investigations that the deceased and 4 others had come to this area day-before-yesterday (21) and had been enjoying themselves boozing. It was also understood that the group including the deceased had been taking liquor and bathing and that in a short while since Jayantha was not to be seen, his friends had even abandoned the vehicle in which they had come and ultimately fled. On a telephone call received by relatives police and villagers have got together and launched a search operation in which instance the corpse of this businessman was found inside a pit of water in the Menik ganga. As a person who was with the deceased had said that his mobile phone too is inside the pit of water, it was possible to recover his phone on a search carried out by divers of Paanama Navy. Investigations to ascertain as to how the incident took place is underway.
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