11 persons in custody at Facebook party in Ambalangoda ... a den of drugs!

 11 persons in custody at Facebook party in Ambalangoda ... a den of drugs!'
11 persons in custody at Facebook party in Ambalangoda ...
a den of drugs!

A party of a Facebook circle had been held recently at a festival hall at Godagama, Ambalangoda. According to a tip off received by police that the crowd were having fun after getting involved in narcotics, the place was cordoned and 11 suspects were taken into custody with narcotics in their possession.

The 11 suspects arrested by Meetiyagoda police after having been produced before Balapitiya
magistrate Mr. Sampath M. Gamage the suspects were released on a bail of Rs. 1 lakh totalling 11 lakhs in all. They hailed from areas such as Colombo, Ratnapura, Thambuttegama, Kandy, Homagama and Panadura and had joined in as friends across Facebook. Over 200 Facebook male and female friends belonging to this circle had got together at this party and the police who received information had employed officers in order to confirm that narcotics were being used and after it was confirmed, the pleasure-seekers were cornered by Meetiyagoda police with the support of officers of four police stations.

The police complaint has been forwarded to courts after checking all participants and it was found that ganja, hashish, drugs and narcotics amounting to the value of Rs. seven thousand were being kept in their possession after which 11 individuals including the owner of the festival hall were taken into custody. In the meantime, Rs. five thousand has been charged from each person who attended the party. The magistrate who considered information forwarded by police then released the suspects on bail and the next hearing was scheduled for July 14th. The complaint was attended to by officers of Meetiyagoda police under instructions of Elpitiya superintendent of police, attorney-at-law Mr. D. Talduwa.
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