"Suspicious because blood was oozing". What uncle of Lahiru says about Lahiru who died in Wimal's house (Audio)

"Suspicious because blood was oozing". What uncle of Lahiru says about Lahiru who died in Wimal's house (Audio)

The youth Lahiru Janith Dissanayaka (24) died in MP Wimal Weeravansha's Hokandara house recently and it was pointed out that there were bruises and that the deceased had been bleeding from the nose and that the death was
suspicious. By now an open verdict has been issued in this respect.

Lahiru whose father was not among the living had been staying with his mother. He also has a sister. Wimal's wife Sashi had been engaged in a business of sewing clothes in the latter's house in the company of Lahiru's mother and Lahiru had been in and out of that house; thus he was a member of Wimal's son's group of friends. His house was situated close to Wimal's house while Lahiru's mother's brother, Lahiru's uncle too had been living in a house closeby. Lahiru's uncle had yesterday expressed to the media that there is suspicion about Lahiru's death. The uncle B.L. Dayapala has stated these ideas yesterday: "My younger sister has a son and daughter. This deceased Lahiru is her son. He was working in a hotel. My sister is involved in a business of sewing clothes with Sashi Weeravansha. It was because of that involvement that Lahiru putha began going there frequently. 

He used to go on journeys with the boy in that house. They were like a group. During that association about one and a half months ago there was an incident where an issue took place having reprimanded a policeman. everyone in their group were in the vehicle and it was this fellow who got caught. Now he was on bail and none of them came forward regarding that issue. That also ... he had to carry the whole burden. My sister had scolded him asking him not to go there anymore. 

When this incident happened day-before-yesterday it was putha's pay day. He had brought the salary and given it to his mother. "Amme, I'll take five hundred rupees and buy a card for the phone,"  he had said and it was that time he had gone there. After going there in the evening and until this problem occured, we didn't know what had happened. Not that he doesn't drink ... can't tell a lie no. It was they who say that they had a party there no. Everyday of course there's a party there. Seven or eight of them get together. After the incident they had called sister at about 8.30 in the morning. It was only after that we came to know. It was he who must come out with any injustice he faced no. Justice or injustice can be said after seeing what happened ... can't say until then. But we also suspicious ... because he was bleeding from the nose".

(Report -- Airangi Edirisingha)

Audio of that description, from below 
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