Two young cousins who had left homes after writing a letter found

 Two  young cousins who had left homes after writing a letter found

Two  young cousins who had left homes after writing a letter found

It is reported from Uppuwelli area in Trincomalee that two small children, a boy  11 years and a girl  09 years cousins from two families had disappeared causing a bit of a pandemonium
in the area.

These two children had left their houses at Mihidupura Uppuvelli  to tuition class in Gorakandu area on the afternoon of the 12th instant but had not returned until the night. The parents of the two children had complained to the Uppuvelli police station.

Accordingly 05 police groups had been deployed to locate the two children.Close to the Andankulam river bank the police had found clothes and a letter suspected to be of the children.

" I love mother.we went to the the lake to bath.As it will be known to mother we are not coming home.I love mother" were the contents of the letter.

The police had published this news. A woman who had traveled in a train had seen two children  in a train bound to Batticaloa but had been sans clothes..Accordingly the two children were found.The two children had been taken into police and handed over to the parents.
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