The CCTV footage of Thajudeen accident not clear to Canadian authorities

The CCTV footage of Thajudeen accident not clear to Canadian authoritiesThe CCTV footage of Thajudeen accident not clear to Canadian authorities

The CCTV footage of Thajudeen accident not clear to Canadian authorities

The authorities of the Canadian institution has informed the  additional Colombo   magistrate Nishantha Pieris that the pictures in the  CCTV footage of the accident pertaining to Rugger player Wasim Thajudeen are not clear to review.

The CCTV footage was sent to the institution situated in Vancouver Canada forensic video and Surveillance Technology
laboratory British Colombia Institute of technology.  The Chief of the institution David Macky has conveyed views in writing to our magistrate courts. Our officials of the   police criminal investigating unit had sent the  CCTV footage in 10 CD discs.Along with them 36 questions had been posed on the 22nd of last month.

On behalf of the criminal investigations department Assistant Inspector of Police CW Wickremasekera and Sub Inspector of Police Ratnapriya had accompanied the CD's to obtain details of the CCTV footage.They had returned to Sri Lanka on the 31st ultimo and handed over the results of the investigations to Additional  Colombo Magistrate Nishantha Pieris through a motion.

It had been stated that in the pictures contained in the CD's resolutions have been reduced as such the original pictures had not been clear as some had been erased off.These had been c=mentioned in the report submitted.

It had also been said that owing to the lights of the vehicles the numbers of the vehicles cannot be identified clearly.It has also been stated that owing to the unclear nature of pixels in the pictures no conclusions could be derived from them.

In regard to the  question of occupants inside the vehicle  in the report it had been added as  the pictures have to be seen from the  glass shutter the occupant's pictures cannot be seen and identified through the glass shutter was what had been reported by David Macky.
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