Today morning (19th) also another landslide at Aranayake mountain

 Today morning (19th) also another landslide at Aranayake mountain

Today morning (19th) also another landslide at Aranayake mountain

During the past hew days owing  to the heavy rains  the land slide of the Aranayake  "samasara"mountain  had accounted for several people been buried and killed.Today morning the 19th instant it has been reported that once more
another land slide had taken place.

Many army and civil personnel had recovered several dead bodies buried within the earth.The rescue operations had been curtailed owing to incessant rains which had caused another land slide.

After the rain had seized the special task police and army personnel had once more commenced on the operation of searching for more dead persons.The road between Mawanella and Aranayake had been closed for security reasons and hence no one could enter the scene of the land slide.

It is reported that more than 200 personnel from the special task police and the army have been deployed for this exercise.About 100 army personnel are working at the top of the mountain while about 150 special task police personnel are working in the middle of the Samsata mountain.
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