After Malani, Sangeetha the screen queen is Chathurika,she even looks after my children

After Malani, Sangeetha the screen queen is Chathurika, she even looks after my children - Gayan Karunatilleke

The  young actor Gayan Karunatilleke who is madly in love with actress Chathurika Pieris  during a newspaper interview had praised her to unprecedented heights.Gayan had said that after Malani, Dilhani, Sangeetha  and others out of the remaining actresses Chathrika is the screen queen.Although Gayan had wanted to marry Chathurika on a number of instances the marriage had to be postponed.Gayan had added that  even his children from his previous marriage are been well looked
after by Chathurika.

What do you think of Chathurika's acting ability?

He had said that he had been telling Chathurika that "after Malani, Dilhani, Sangeetha and others the last link that remains is Chathurika as the queen of of actresses."

That is you are saying that Chathurika is the Queen?

"Absolutely. Think so.A good actress should have a good ability to portray characters.It has to be done for the audiences to feel.Not underestimating the novice actresses.But they should make sacrifices like Chathurika".

Aren't there better actresses than Chathirika?
"There are talented actresses.But not fully accomplished.Any actor or actress should have wide range."

Gayan now the whole country knows about your love affair,what do you say of it:?

" All should know.They should with us work together. We also should work with others.In this world what is required is unity and to clash with each other and to take revenge.It took two years to give this message to the media."

Why is that?

" To give this message it took time.We had legal issues.Now they are sorted to the extent of 99.9 %. Now we have no issues.We hope to look after ourselves."

Do you take responsibilities as a father?

"Definitely.More than my self Chathrika looks after the children".
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