Position of Speaker now given to a child

Position of Speaker now given to a child

Position of Speaker now given to a child

This is a revengeful regime
Now government servants also trembling ....
thinking that they also may have to go to FCID

- Wimal Weeravansha

MP Wimal Weeravansha it called a news briefing yesterday to explain matters about the problem against him where he encountered  it in relation to his passport. On that occasion he mentioned that the said problem was falsely created and that he would be filing legal action through the Human Rights against the CID. Wimal Weeravansha who severely criticised this
government said that this government is a revengeful one and apart from taking revenge there are no development activities taking place now. On that occasion he mentioned: "Now a fear of terror has gripped the diplomatic machinery. Because of this hunting, government servants are trembling thinking that they too would have to answer before the Financial Crimes Investigation Department in the future. Now a child-like person has been appointed as Speaker in parliament. Now what we have is, a government which does not take decisions on behalf of the country.

The complete video of Wimal's criticism, from below    
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