“I was made advisor to make the party united” - Dimo

“I was made advisor to make the party united” - Dimo

“I was made advisor to make the party united” - Dimo

Former Prime Minister D.M Jayaratne had been appointed as a
senior advisor to the President the other day. At a media briefing held at his residence in Meepola, Deluwa he had said that the former president Mahinda Rajapaksa is engaged in religious activities more than politics. He is a person who had worked tirelessly for the country. He was a great statesman. The same could be said about former president Chandrika Kumaratunga.

In terms of the constitution of the party both are advisors. It is the same about President Maithripala Sirisena. They should remain united. He had been appointed to make the party to remain as one and be united he had quipped. The united national party has to be defeated. All minority parties should be made to unite and should win the election which is forthcoming. That is the reason he was appointed as a senior advisor to president he had quipped at the media briefing.

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