Our 'Gandabbayas' have got set for Ministership 'Methiniya' called me also I said I have a backbone - T.B. Ekanayaka

Our 'Gandabbayas' have got set for Ministership 'Methiniya' called me also I said I have a backbone - T.B. Ekanayaka

Our 'Gandabbayas' have got set ....

for Ministership

'Methiniya' called me also .... I said I have a backbone - T.B. Ekanayaka

Former Minister of Cultural Affairs T.B. Ekanayaka who was the topic of discussion among the public over a shoes-matter during China
President's Sri Lankan tour has found no place in the newly formed National Government. He has severely criticised those from the SLFP who had given their support in the formation of the government. This is what he said at a meeting held in Ambanpola yesterday:

"There were a number of 'gandabbaya's on our side .... they lost the seats also. What happened on Sunday was that gandabbayas have been given a few Minister posts and an attempt has been taken to keep them and hold the government power for another year. It was just a few who have grasped these Minister posts .... just suspending here and there during this 'gandabba' period.

Out of the 100 days, 70 is now over. No thovil dance .... 'natapu thovilekuth nehe ... bere paluwakuth nehe'. Now it's because this cannot be carried on .... they're trying to extend for an year by taking our fellows. Now these fellows can't utter anything against the UNP. Chandrika .... the ex-President, invited me also to join that. I said, 'we have a backbone .... 58 lakhs gave votes to Mahinda not to do that".
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