Only Wimal objected to Modi's speech and walked away

Only Wimal objected to Modi's speech and walked away

Only Wimal objected to Modi's speech and walked away

Dr Gunadasa Amarasekara the convenor of the National Movement for Unity had said that when the Indian Prime
Minister Narendra Modi was making the speech in Parliament he had added inter alia that the 13 amendment to the parliament is something that needs to be implemented beyond its provisions and it is not second to what Rajive Gandhi's 'dhal like' challenge made.

He had also said that what  now we have is a 'puppet' government without a strong backbone.The main reason for Narendra Modi to make such a bold and forceful statement was purely because when he was speaking no one raised objections but just remained silent.

During that moment of time only the Member of Parliament, former Minister Wimal Weerawansa had the courage to walk out of the parliament when all other remained dumbfounded as if they had been sub concious having been drunk after consuming some strong herbal medicine for an ailment.Anyway some may have felt sad and worried over the utterences of Narendra Modi and thought this would have been said by him very much earlier.

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