Lee Kuan Yew bids goodbye

Lee Kuan Yew bids goodbye

Lee Kuan Yew bids goodbye

The founder father of modern Singapore Lee Kuan Yew has passed away in the wee hours today.The Prime Ministers media unit had
announced the death of this great leader.He had passed away at the General Hospital in Singapore in the wee hours this morning.To be precise at  3.18 a.m.He had been seriously ill during the past several weeks.He was 91 yearsold at the time of his death.

He had served as the Prime Minister of Singapore for 31 long years.Lee Kuan Yew had been instrumental in transforming Singapore into a 'Port City',during is tenure as the Prime Minister.In addition he had made Singapore the trade hub for all business activities for many countries in the world.

The former Prime Minister during his tenure had been instrumental in obtaining independence from the British and also becoming independent from Malaysia.

The General Secretary of the United Nations Ban Ki Moon had sent a message of heartfelf condolences to Singapore peopleon his loss and at the sametime hailing him for his astute leadership as the former Prime Minister and the manner he worked for the upliftment of Singapore via his political brain.In this regard the late Lee Kuan Yew has recieved many accolades from many countries in the world and also expressing their profound sorrow.

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