How Mahinda wished National Government hiding subtle sorrow!

How Mahinda wished National Government hiding subtle sorrow!

How Mahinda wished National Government ....

hiding subtle sorrow!

While certain elements are trying to create an SLFP wave on a provincial level with the hope of making
ex-President Mahinda Rajapaksa the next Prime Minister candidate, the Ranil-Maithri combination had decided last Friday afternoon and had already established a National Government by Sunday afternoon and that also within the framework of keeping stalwarts of the SLFP; signs that Mahinda would be able to form a Party supporting him and also his dream of contesting the Premier seat apparently is fading away. Possibly as if for a gibe, Alliance General Secretary Susil Premajayanth had issued an announcement that if wishes to, Mahinda could go ahead contesting under the Alliance, last Saturday.

After the National Government was established yesterday Mahinda Rajapaksa happened to convey his good wishes to this new National Government towards evening that day, apparently pretending to cover the sorrow in his heart. When questioned from him, what he said was that since he is taking a rest now political topics are not necessary with scant regard for the subject, all the while giving the expression as if he did not send messages to political rallies, engaged in discussions and indulged in poojas with the idea of starting something. This is how former President Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa expressed his idea at the Daham Pasal festival held at Matara:

"Wasn't the National Government established? God .. good. What we have to do is convey our wishes only .... what else to do? When I invited everybody while talking about a National Government, I was laughed at. At that time everyone subjected it to fun. But I won't do like that. Now at this time I am taking some rest, I have no right to talk about political decisions. If you want to know about it .... here's our emathithuma .... our national emathithuma is here. It's he who ought to reply to those. I am these days taking a rest. You'll gave me the rest".  

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