Had felt the breast of student while teaching computer

Had felt the breast of student while teaching computer

Had felt the breast of student while teaching computer.

Computer sir of Piliyandala school arrested.

A big commotion took place yesterday with parents of Somaweera Chandrasiri Primary School in Piliyandala sorrounding the premises
because of an incident of an attempt by a male teacher over a  female student when he was involved in teaching computer and he is presumed to have abused her. The student concerned was a girl studying in the Third year.

A group of female students had come during the period of computer classes last Monday (22) and had been engaged in computer classes when the said teacher had told this girl, "I like to teach you something extra about this duwa .... you go to the section on that side near the computer will you ...".
As such, when she had started working on the computer in the same room in a lonely place the teacher had come near her and had started feeling her body. When her breast region and intimate parts of her body was been touched continuously she had been struck by fear and embarassed; but nobody had heard anything of the protest she had made in his connection. Later, at the end of the period she had left the room without saying anything to anybody.

However, after noticing that the girl who returned home was in a sad mood her parents have cross-examined her when she had revealed what the computer sir had tried to do. After the girl spoke about this incident, they had approached the lady Principal of the school the next morning together with some other parents  and had requested her to take some action on this. But the Principal had been backward in taking any action on this matter. She had further said, "apo .... those are not stories that can be proved no ".

As the Principal had ignored them, the parents had got together and had staged a protest yesterday in front of the school. A group of people who rushed into the computer room at that moment had caught the sir by his neck and dragged him out and had tried to assault him. The Piliyandala Police had been called to bring this situation under control. Later as a result of the complaint made by the girl's father to Piliyandala Police the police took steps to take the suspected teacher into custody.

The suspect is a 50 year old unmarried person living along Galle Road, Ratmalana, it was understood. The relevant Ministry of Education of Western Province had decided to make an inquiry into this matter.

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