Proposal by Minister Rajitha to bring Maithri to Premier's seat

Proposal by Minister Rajitha to bring Maithri to Premier's seat

Proposal by Minister Rajitha to bring Maithri to Premier's seat

A tremendous doubt rests among the two main political Parties and in political circles these days
as to who should be made the Prime Minister candidate at the next election. Among opinions expressed, it is apparent that each politician is trying to appoint a leader as the premier with whom they could work with ease. In the process, Minister Rajitha Senaratna who performed a great duty in bringing President Maithripala Sirisena into leadership has in the middle of this confusion nominating the latter for this position appears to have given rise to somewhat of a debatable decision.

This is what he has said in this connection. "If the Executive Power is abolished, there won't be any point in doing so. Then the President will become a President only by name. We can get more work done by Maithripala Sirisena. The public of 62 lakhs who voted for him would not like to see a person without any form of power. If the Executive Presidential System is abolished, I believe that it would be good if Mr. Maithripala Sirisena, the President, is made the Executive Prime Minister at the next election. President Maithripala Sirisena who came into power on January 8th told the masses that he would be fulfilling his promise of abolishing the Executive Presidentshal System and further that he would only not contest for the position of President once more.
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