Kamal Indika speaks about Kimbulgete artiste assault

"It was those at the bazaar who assaulted
I love the artistes"

Kamal Indika speaks about Kimbulgete artiste assault

Provincial Council member Kamal Indika of Wayamba Province who was subjected to the complaint of having assaulted a group of artistes in Kimbulgete area in Kurunegala
recently expressed his views about the incident.

What he said was that he was connected to this incident only to settle a conflict that arose, but that the assault was by those at the pola (bazaar) and therefore he rejects that allegation.

The video which became popular over this incident where Kamal Indika is seen shouting at the top of his voice and the manner in which he reprimanded others was visible and the response he gave Sirasa and the video with his voice-cut, from below:

There's a complaint that you have assaulted the artistes.
 I reject the story that I have assaulted them.

That means you did not assault them?
 No... I didn't assault them.

Then .... did you direct the attack?
No .... I haven't directed this attack either.

Are you a member of the SLFP?

Are you a member of Nil Balakaya?

Then is it those at Kumbukgete Pola?
I told these people that I'll speak to them and send them away.

Then what about the allegation that you directed that attack?
No I didn't .... why should I attack? I am a man who loves artistes.

Then isn't it unjustified that upholding an opinion is an obstruction to voicing one opinion?
I haven't done any such obstruction. Tell anybody who says so .... if he or she suffered a bruise or contusion .... I'll leave politics today.

Video of his talk,from BELOW

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