Mother complains to police about mud-story propaganda

Mother complains to police about mud-story propaganda...

of using her child over rupavahini!

What was broadcast recently over news some days back from two news items was that Presidential Common Candidate Maithreepala Sirisena has detained or is keeping a woman named
Chamila these days.

Instead of making a complaint to the police about this, Chamila's
husband named Janaka Susila Kumara had come before the rupavahini and what he said was that the Minister has had an illegal affair with Chamila.

The second item attached to this piece of news said that Chamila's son who claimed that his mother who was so imprisoned be rescued and this appeal was made by him while crying bitterly. That too was broadcast over rupavahini news. However, no description was published on those channels as to whether she was actually imprisoned and neither that any investigation was conducted beyond that or any other description. 

However, this mother Chamila Kumari Dissanayaka had lodged a complaint yesterday to the Children's and Women's Bureau at Kandy Police Headquarters. What she had said was that what her child says is all false and that the father who had separated himself from the family had abducted the child and is keeping him in custody and have made him say such things for purposes of political gain.

This child, Pavithra Kulasekera who is supposed to be a student of Hingurakgoda Royal College and was under the guardianship of the grandmother had been deceived and taken away and subsequently a bogus story had been coined up saying that the mother is being kept forcibly by Maithreepala Sirisena where the episode had even been videoed showing the child crying and pleading that his mother be freed.

The said complaint has been lodged by the mother with the Children's and Women's Bureau of Kandy Police Headquarters requesting that legal action be taken against those responsible in relation to the incident of having duped her child and having then abducted him and forcibly keep him detained and also for having inflicted physical and mental pressure on him, for having so abducted him at a time when she, the mother Chamila had been away at her brother's house in Kotmale for a certain matter.

As stated in Chamila's complaint, she is living with this child and the grandmother having separated from her husband Janaka Susila Kumara in Hingurakgoda.

She admits that she was not imprisoned by Minister Maithreepala or anyone else for that matter and that she had gone to her brother's place in Kotmale to take some documents for the purpose of going abroad on which occasion the child's father had come to the Hingurakgoda house with some others and had deceived the child asking him to come with him to go and see Alimankada and thus abducted him. She also said that she came to see the child only from rupavahini news.

The police had forwarded the 'B' report about her complaint to No. 9 Magistrate's Court yesterday and the courts has issued instructions to conduct further investigations to search for the child.

Senior lawyers Messrs. Saliya Pieris and Lakshan Dias are appearing on behalf of the rights of the mother and child.

Seen below is the appeal made by this child in tears during the course of the news broadcast.

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