250 in hospital
12.30 a.m. breaking news
The leakage of chlorine gas from a cylinder had begun at about 9.oo last night. The neighbourhood had begun to feel signs of difficulty in breathing, irritation of the face and dizziness. Most of the inhabitants in the area are from lying-in rooms. It was reported that being helpless had been rushing to Avissawella hospital from about 9.30 in the night.
Though ambulances were sent to Pendrikwaththa from Avissawella hospital and neighbouring hospitals and patients were brought in private vehicles to the hospitals, there was not sufficient room for the patients who had already arrived there by then. It was reported that there was a large crowd of people who were living in the lying-in rooms of Pendrikwaththa inclusive of a big number of small children among them. After the water is basically purified, prior to distribution, chlorine gas is mixed to the water and there had been a leak in the cylinder weighing 68 kilograms, it is reported. Whatever it is, the leak concerned had been brought under control at approximately 10.30 in the night and the officials admitted that there would be no casualties suffering from the leaking gas after that.
It is also reported that a special investigating team from the Water Supply and Drainage Board and officials have been sent to the Paranthan Chemicals who supply chlorine gas cylinders to the Water Board who had arrived there that night itself.
News sources predict that the number of 250 patients already admitted to hospital may increase.