A monkey to the Cobra girl
Iranian boy friend is dead scared of the cobra
It is reported that Nirosha Wimalaratne who was famous all over the country for possessing and looking after a pet cobra had been a dancer at the Cleopatra Night Club in Kollupitiya and she seems to be very happy and contented after getting her cobra back.
She is unhappy about the way her pet had been treated by the authorities of the Zoological gardens. She has been interviewed by ‘Lakbima’ newspaper and she had spoken about her pet cobra and about her boy friend an Iranian National.
She has stated that the pet cobra has been fed with small chicks and that he would have been forced to eat them. She also states that the cobra is not that big enough to eat them. She states that her pet had been ill-treated at the authorities of the Zoo as wounds are visible on the head area and on the skin by trying to force food to the animal.
“There was a wound on the cobra’s head which looks like a scratch from a nail. They would have forced food on him. Police is not allowing me to go to Pilimathalawa, ‘ Dodamwala Kovila’ and therefore I am unable to send him back to his mother. I brought his mother to Colombo once and kept her near one of my trusted friend’s place. I am sure of both and have a lot of faith in them and the friend and this snake’s mother. Wherever I go they know a way to find me.”
Nirosha’s mother is an Indian. She has been living in Naski and her father is an Iranian National. As she says her mother too has a poisonous snake with her. She has been brought to Sri Lanka for a resident in Pilimathalawa called Wimalaratne. She has met this cobra at the kovil which she says that the Police is not allowing her to enter. Her pet’s poisonous sting has been removed at the time it has been taken from her. She says that any serpent’s sting grow back after 3 months of it has to be removed.
She not only loves cobras but she loves monkeys as well. She is expecting to get married to the Iranian boy friend that is said to be dead scared of her pet cobra. She states that he too will have to get used to them if they are to live together.
Newspaper article: Ranmali Somasiri
The video how the cobra girl danced in the night club could be viewed from HERE:
Iranian boy friend is dead scared of the cobra
It is reported that Nirosha Wimalaratne who was famous all over the country for possessing and looking after a pet cobra had been a dancer at the Cleopatra Night Club in Kollupitiya and she seems to be very happy and contented after getting her cobra back.
She is unhappy about the way her pet had been treated by the authorities of the Zoological gardens. She has been interviewed by ‘Lakbima’ newspaper and she had spoken about her pet cobra and about her boy friend an Iranian National.
She has stated that the pet cobra has been fed with small chicks and that he would have been forced to eat them. She also states that the cobra is not that big enough to eat them. She states that her pet had been ill-treated at the authorities of the Zoo as wounds are visible on the head area and on the skin by trying to force food to the animal.
“There was a wound on the cobra’s head which looks like a scratch from a nail. They would have forced food on him. Police is not allowing me to go to Pilimathalawa, ‘ Dodamwala Kovila’ and therefore I am unable to send him back to his mother. I brought his mother to Colombo once and kept her near one of my trusted friend’s place. I am sure of both and have a lot of faith in them and the friend and this snake’s mother. Wherever I go they know a way to find me.”
Nirosha’s mother is an Indian. She has been living in Naski and her father is an Iranian National. As she says her mother too has a poisonous snake with her. She has been brought to Sri Lanka for a resident in Pilimathalawa called Wimalaratne. She has met this cobra at the kovil which she says that the Police is not allowing her to enter. Her pet’s poisonous sting has been removed at the time it has been taken from her. She says that any serpent’s sting grow back after 3 months of it has to be removed.
She not only loves cobras but she loves monkeys as well. She is expecting to get married to the Iranian boy friend that is said to be dead scared of her pet cobra. She states that he too will have to get used to them if they are to live together.
Newspaper article: Ranmali Somasiri
The video how the cobra girl danced in the night club could be viewed from HERE: