BABY BORN ON 12.12.12 has 12 FINGERS

 Child birth taken place in Kerala State in India

The day 12.12.12 was special to everyone in the world as such a date would never arrive for the next 1000 years. Apart from the new born baby in Sri Lanka on this special day on this day another baby boy had been born in the Kerala State, kottayan district. The only speciality is that the baby boy born had contained six fingers in both palms.
The father of the baby is Shanu, is a driver by profession. The mother’s name is Niwya.This child had been born through a normal delivery at 9.07 a.m. As the baby boy had been born with 12 fingers it is considered as a speciality on this special day.
They have disclosed to the media that they do not intend removing the sixth finger through surgery as they consider as this they consider as a speciality of been born on 12.12.12.
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