If you look carefully at the photographs of the President of Uganda who is on a tour in Sri Lanka, you will be able to notice that he is wearing a hat all the time. When he is in places where he is unable to wear a hat he always keeps it on his lap. Ugandan national costume doesn’t include a hat in it. Then why is the President of Uganda is wearing a hat?
That is because he is a popular rap singer and his identity is along with his hat
In contrary to the constitution that is practiced in Sri Lanka, Ugandan Presidency is not similar where the same President can stand for elections as much as one wants. It is said that he has used many strategies to gain the Presidency for the fourth time.
However, he has been singing “Rap Music” to attract the youth in the country, and that is the secret of his hat.
According to the law of the country, his ‘rap songs’ cannot be published through the internet. Yet his voice has been used in videos and they can be viewed in the You Tube.
What is shown below is a video of a ‘rap song’ sung by the Uganda’s President “Do you want another rap song?”