Drunken Government Analyst’s Department employee plays havoc

The Government Analyst’s Department is a highly guarded place with tight security. As it is the place where all articles and items that have to be produced to courts are kept. It is regarded as a high security zone. The department is responsible to keep safely all articles that have to be inspected by the Judge when produced to courts. To ensure their safety is the bounded duty of the employees of the department.
However in complete contrast to its security measures an employee while on night duty had opened a bottle of kassippu which had to be produced before courts had not only got drunk by drinking it, but also had played havoc within the office having gone off his senses by breaking valuable office equipment, doors etc. As he could not be controlled the cinnamon Gardens Police had been informed over the phone and the drunken employee had been remanded and produced before the Colombo’s Magistrate yesterday. The Magistrate had ordered him to be remanded until the 31st of this month.
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