The CIA conducted a very secret raid to kill Bin Laden after confirming his whereabouts. This secret operation was planned eight month ago, in August last year after it was revealed in a tip off that Bin Laden was hiding in a place at Abbottabad in North East Pakistan about 100 kilometres from the capital city of Islamabad. This was from information collected through a person who was aiding him was arrested by the American Secret Intelligence Service. Other than President Obama and a handful of trustworthy high officials were informed of this vital information.
Initially it was made to understand that a powerful terrorist was living in the mansion. The identity of Bin Laden was revealed only very lately. Till the time comes Obama had asked to lie in low profile on this issue. He advised to remain silent and to delay the operation. The mansion where he had lived was in close quarters only about 100 metres from the Abbottabad Army Academy. There hangs some doubt whether he obtained security from the Pakistan army. Because of this reason until the last stage they refrained from informing the Pakistan Army.
The mansion in which Bin Laden lived consisted of two storeys. It was well surrounded by a wall about 16 feet in height. There were two strong gates which nobody could pass through. This was the very reason for carrying out the raid from the air.

The mansion was housed at the end of a road. There were several small houses in the surroundings .Bin Laden’s house was eight times larger than those houses. The mansion had been built in the year 2005 and the neighbours were of the opinion that he was a Sultan. The occupants in the house were his young wife, son, her brothers and other family members.
From mid February Obama has had secret discussions with the Security Council about five times about the proposed security operation. It was unanimously decided not to carry out the raid from a ground attack with the assistance of the Pakistan army, but to have an air raid. Approval for the raid was given by Obama while the Royal Wedding was in progress in London.
For this operation he entrusted the responsibilities to a contingent of elite Naval counter terrorism Seal Six Team. The team leader was under CIA Director Leon Panetta. The operation was conducted and monitored directly from the board room of CIA headquarters housed in Virginia city. They were to launch an onslaught while lowering the helicopter. While they were lowering Bin Laden’s body guards had fired rocket grenades owing to which the helicopter crashed. The brave American commandos had jumped from the helicopter and retaliated simultaneously resulting in all Bin Laden’s body guards being killed. Bin Laden too succumbed to the gun shot injuries. It is still not certain who exactly was responsible for the killings. Also among those killed was his 24 year old son together with one lady. They had tried to use her as a human shield. However all inmates were also killed.
The entire operation well planned and monitored had taken only a short time of only 40 minutes. This historic capture and killing of the Leader of the Al Qaeda is the best victory achieved against terrorism by America. This achievement is very great as Bin Laden was evading arrest for nearly a decade.
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