1.00 p.m.
The face of Bin Laden who was killed had been shown in Pakistan’s television in a distorted manner. A newspaper report confirms that the face of the dead Bin Laden who had received gunshot injuries has been changed to look better by a graphic designer.
It is learnt that the dead body is in the safe custody of the American Intelligence service and is yet to be seen by the public.
11.30 a.m.
He had lived hiding in a mansion from the year 2006 in Abotabart, a city close the capital city Islamabad. A helicopter had been heard shot down. Media personnel have obtained news from civilians in Abotabart that a helicopter had crashed last night and had caught fire and no one was allowed to visit the area. Subsequently they have heard the noise of shooting. He had been killed by gunshot injuries along with three males and one woman

It was clearly learnt that the mansion was devoid of telephone and internet facilities also it consisted of several storeys. There is very little doubt that it may have been a tactic to remain unnoticed by the Americans.
Sometime ago a person with similar features had entered a hospital in Karachchi for a kidney ailment and had left the hospital after treatment. However the Americans had failed to confirm that the person concerned was Bin Laden.
After hearing about Bin Laden’s death American President Barack Obama spoke to the public from the White House. What he disclosed is heard in the video below.
It is reported that Osama Bin Laden, the Leader of the Al Quaida terrorist organisation who is supposed to have masterminded the massive terrorist attack aimed on the White House in Washington, United States on 11th September 2001 has been killed and his body has been found inside a mansion along with family members in a region close the capital city of Islamabad in Pakistan.
Osama Bin Laden had been evading arrest for nearly a decade. It is reliably known that the secret American intelligence Service, CIA is responsible for the killing. The American President Barack Obama is due to make a statement shortly.
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