The manner Bin Laden was photo shopped
The photograph of killed Osama Bin Laden which was prominently shown yesterday’s in Pakistan’s Express News TV channel and several other TV channels had totally misled a countless number of viewers.
This distorted photo shopped face was shown as an alternative to a decision taken by the related Authorities in America not to show dead Bin Laden in any TV channel for the public to view. Hence the TV channels grabbed the opportunity to show this photo shopped picture after he was reported assassinated.

As a rigid principle showing his correct picture was not allowed to be shown in CNN and other American TV channels. In the guardian newspaper in U.K. it was confirmed that the photographs were not genuine and advised the readers not to get carried away.

It is also revealed that these photographs were not designed after the killing. They had been published in various internet web sites and seen via various e mail messages about three years ago. This had been done by an anti Bin Laden group to the Reuters News Agency comparing the real picture and of another person who have really had gunshot injuries on the face. These photographs shown on Pakistan’s TV channels have been revealed had been developed by a photo shop web site.
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