Businessman who sexually molested 6 year old girl who took social media by storm not taken into custody .. supposed to be because of political powers

Businessman who sexually molested 6 year old girl who took social media by storm not taken into custody .. supposed to be because of political powers

Businessman who sexually molested 6 year old girl who took social media by storm not taken into custody .. supposed to be because of political powers

Recently the name of a particular gem merchant was mentioned in Ranjan Ramanayaka's voice cuts which incidentally created an uproar as the video which was broadcast about this gem businessman subjecting a 6 year old girl to sexual molestation; but even a month has passed by thereafter no legal action has been taken in that context because having taken the victimised party into the financial and political powers of the businessman, 'Nidahasa udesa kantha vyaparaya' say. 

National organiser of that women's campaign, Hemamali Abeynayaka said that though a complaint
was lodged in this connection with national child protection authority. When she made this complaint, what authorities of national child protection authority said was to help them to find the child concerned and she questions whether it is necessary to have a police or national child protection authority for the country if civil organisations have any powers. Whatever it is, several parties including her organisation have complained and forwarded the video about this sexual molestation to the president, prime minister, inspector general of police, crime investigation department, national child protection authority and united naions organisation. But even though more than a month has passed by no steps have been taken in this regard leading to the suspicion whether this is is an attempt to throw the matter under the carpet; she pointed out. 

What she said was that sexual molestation and over 80% of harassment hardly come into the open and that such things as financial and political power as well as poverty and the culture of the country influence such things. She who said that even legal action has been taken after exposng this across social media in a situation where elders do not mediate as long as some harassment is done to one's child and further requested to join hands in expressing their protest irrespective of nationality or age. 

The businessman suspected in this connection having introduced himself as a person reputed for gems and is popular in the facebook too in engaging in social work activities in Ratnapura. From a voice cut of Mp Ranjan Ramanayaka he caused a big uproar during the recent past. In the meantime, on an inquiry made, chairman of national child protection authority, professor Muditha Vidanapathirana said that already an investigation has been launched by the internet inspection unit over the video related to the sexual molestation of the girl. The chairman further remarked that various complaints pertaining to the said incident have been made to social activist authority and that data secured has been handed over to criminal investigation department and child protection authority police. He finally mentioned that there are 3 specialists to activate that cyber unit within the authority and that from inspections made, several persons have been identified across such investigations. He said that persons who have disappeared as well as photographs of the girl who was victimised in this instance cannot be published in the media and that such information is kept secure and that preparations are ready to inquire into this incident across  an independent examination. 

- Anuradha Herath - 

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