Spreading of corona virus -- situation today (27)

Spreading of corona virus -- situation today (27)

Spreading of corona virus -- situation today (27)

Information as a whole according to media reports from China till this afternoon 3.30 in connection with the corona virus spreading from China is as follows:

At least 2,804 in China and foreigners totalling 59 have been infected from the virus while only
China records deaths in this connection and those who have died are 81 in number by now. Those who were hospitalised and out of danger number 51. While health authorities say that 461 persons are serious and linger at death's door. According to research being conducted, it is confirmed that this is contagious from human to human and it is informed that the virus could possibly become distorted. 

Because of this epidemic situation 30 towns and provinces have launched a mainstream reaction while an emergency has been declared all over Hong Kong. In the meantime, this morning (27) a further number of corona virus patients were confirmed in Hubei ending up with 24 losing their lives. 4 new corona virus patients were confirmed and now the number of patients has risen to 72. It was this morning that the 5th patient of the new corona virus was detected by Australia while the 4th was detected from South Korea. In the case of the kingdom of Macau where 6 patients were reported and persons suspected as corona carriers have been secluded as a solution to space to have them separated by using rooms at temporary resting locations meant as relaxation camps. 

Chief of world health organisation, Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus has visited Beijing city and has started discussions today (27). In the process, though China's annual spring season holidays were expected to finish yesterday, as a new step of the corona virus circulating spreading, the main office of the state council of China has announced that spring holidays is to be extended till February 2nd. Further, it was announced by the railway that passengers who purchased railway tickets before January 28th could invalidate their tickets without any money being charged from them. 

In the meantime, Chinese citizens have been prohibited from departing and entering the city of Wuhan which incidentally was subjected to much talk and the citizens have been totally kept under house arrest as such. At a media meeting held on Monday, the Shanghai urban government announced that labourers of enterprises in the zone have been prohibited from reporting to work till midnight of February 9th and that schools should not be reopened till February 17th. An inspection by the exit and access administration department of public security bureau is carried out to check whether this rule is followed to the letter. 

The national development and reconstruction commission of China (NDRC) said on Sunday that by investing under the central budget, 300 million Yuan (United States million 43.25 million dollars, approximately) would be directed to Hubei area in Central China to support controlling the spread of corona virus in the zone. This fund would be utilised to as an aid to erect two special hospitals for new corona patients in Wuhan ... Huo Shen Shan and Lineshan hospital. This fund would also be directed to purchase important medical equipment. It is planned to erect and finish completion of these hospitals at a rapid speed of 6 days. 

A media confrontation was held by the national health commission on Monday in relation to the spread of the corona virus and bringing it under control. On that occasion numerous procedures were discussed by the officers concerned in relation to administration of personnel, a search for immigrants, particularly those who gained access to Wuhan in China, management of individuals who closely associated infected patients of corona virus, advancement of environmental sanitation and promotion of public health education etcetera. 

Chinese prime minister Li Keqang arrived in Wuhan area on Monday in order to inspect efforts launched to prevent the new corona virus spreading and controlling it. In these circumstances he met the patients and the medical staff.  

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