Leaves house and absconds for having killed next door neighbour's cat and getting caught to police!
A case is reported from Maswila, Bandaragama where a pet cat had strayed into a neighbouring garden in which instance a student in that house has assaulted the cat with a sharp instrument and killed it. After this news has circulated, two incidents have been reported that the householders there who had panicked, have fled the area.
It is stated in the complaint mae by the lady who looked after the cat concerned to the police that this cat has strayed to a garden enclosed by a house enclosed by a wall near her house and having lost the temper for the cat gaining entrance this cruel act has been committed. The said lady has come close to the clothes-line to hang clothes when she had noticed the cat on top of the wall and has called it and in a short space of time when she has gone inside the house and had come out again, a 17 year old schoolboy was noticed to have been leaving something wrapped up in a paper by the side of the road. On inquiring about it, it is stated in her complaint that her pet cat was screaming with a serious cut injury on its spine region and that about ten minutes later it had died. The complaint further states that the dead cat even a milking kitten. The lady has even gone to the extent of videoing from her mobile phone which showed the said cat writhing in pain and screaming and she had produced the video together with her complaint to the police.
The suspect schoolboy was expected to be summoned to police and reports about it were published in the newspapers yesterday. In the process, when news about the incident scattered around, the suspect student and his parents have closed up the house and had left the area, Bandaragama police say.
According to the complaint lodged by the lady of the pet cat, Mr. K.A. Darshana, chief inspector and acting officer in charge of Bandaragama police who went into action has given instructions to police sergeant Mr. Edirisingha in charge of judicial activities to apprehend the referred to student and produce him before court.
Accordingly, the sergeant who took prompt measures in this connection then contacted the lady petitioner day before yesterday (18) morning and had gone to the suspect student's home in the company of 119 mobile police bicycles on two occasions to inform him to report to police, to find that doors and gates of his home were locked with padlocks and it was notified to the acting officer in charge, police say.
It is further mentioned in the complaint lodged by the lady that when searching for the cat, after the 17 year old schoolboy has kept something wrapped up in a paper by the side of the road in a shrubbery forest and when hearing the cat yelling she had gone to that spot and had made an inspection to notice that the cat has had a serious cut injury on its spine region and then had gone the top floor of the two-storied house nearby and when casting her eyes on the schoolboy's house she had noticed blood stains on the cement floor and on the ground around the house where the suspect was living as a result of having struck the cat. She finally said that the suspect was seen wiping those with pieces of cloth and then sprinkling sand over the spot.
Bandaragama acting officer in charge, inspector of police, Messrs. K.S. Darshana and other officers are conducting inquiries under instructions of deputy general of police, Messrs. Wijith Guneratna in charge of Kalutara district, superintendent of police; Sanjaya Irasingha in charge of Panadura division and Nishan Senaratna, assistant superintendent of police are conducting inquiries in connection with this incident.
- Bimal Shtaman, Bandaragama -