After president's arrival ... Narahenpita receives fresh stocks of rice -- prices go down!
Some days back president Gotabhaya Rajapaksa made a visit to Narahenpita economic centre and made an inquiry for the reason for price of rice going up. He had seated himself on the chair of a mudalali of a rice-selling outlet and had given telephone calls to authority because it was unjustified to sell the rice for a higher price when a maximum price was specified for a kilo of samba. It was thus a case of hiding stocks of rice and a
fabricated rise in price was implemented because of wholesale traders in charge of warehouses, it was revealed.
fabricated rise in price was implemented because of wholesale traders in charge of warehouses, it was revealed.
In any case when there are consumer ministers separately, the president himself mediating in issues of this nature of course created consternation among some. However, the president mediating in that manner has been a consolation to the public in the relevant field as well as in other fields, thus preventing any injustice being done.
After the president arrived, wholesale traders who had been hiding the stocks have released them and what was reported yesterday was that fresh stocks of rice were unloaded. As such, it was reported in the night that selling samba rice had commenced at the economic centre according to the stipulated maximum price.