Child on top of table being fed by sister ... falls with television and dies!
A three and a half child who had got on top of a table and was being fed by his elder sister falls down day before yesterday (28) and as a result of this accident the child has sustained serious injuries and was admitted to Padukka provincial hospital after which he had passed away, police say.The deceased is the youngest child in a family comprising four other sisters all of whom were living in a
rented out house in Padukka, Mawathagama area.
rented out house in Padukka, Mawathagama area.
The deceased child's mother incidentally had been hanging clothes in the sun outside when the said child in fact had been playing with his sisters and on the occasion when his elder sister had been feeding the child and the deceased had then been playing around getting on top of a table when abruptly had collapsed together face upwards with a big-sized television set resting on his body, it was revealed at preliminary investigations, police say.
The deceased is a three and a half year old small boy named Hewawasam Puwathpitiyalage Randula living in Pinnawala, Elamala. Inquiry into sudden deaths was conducted by inquirer into sudden deaths, justice of the peace, Mr. Chinthaka Udaya Kumara while inquiries in this connection was conducted by Mr. Rohantha, police sergeant of complaints division of Padukka police.
- Champa Jeewanthi, Panagoda -