Samanthurai mentally deranged mother who killed two 9 months old twins

Samanthurai mentally deranged mother who killed two 9 months old twins

Samanthurai mentally deranged mother who killed two 9 months old twins

The story of an inhuman mother who took action to severe the necks of babies born from her own womb at the age of 9 months without any rhyme or reason was heard from Samanthurai area. 

This mother who lived in Nindavur had detached the necks of her twin babies aged 9 months and the corpses were discovered and the two dead babies are Seha Aina and Seha Seina, both being twin 
daughters. Samanthurai police conducting investigations into this incident say that this murder may have taken place last morning (29) at about 3.30 early dawn. 

On the said night, this woman had spent her time happily in the company of these two children till about 3 in the morning and had even provided milk to the babies, her husband told police. Her husband has gone to sleep towards morning and when searching for the two babies around 8 in the morning the wife had told him that they were in the bathroom. Subsequently when he had gone to the bathroom and had a look ... what met his eyes was the scene of the two children lying dead in a pool of blood. This was notified to neighbours and police after which the knife used in the murder was recovered from the bathroom by police. 

Evidence was secured to say that the murders concerned were committed by the mother because of any valid reason under her mentally deranged condition. It is understood that the suspect-woman had been suffering from a mental condition from a period of time and by now she has been admitted to Kalmunai North hospital under police protection. 
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