Moment when dead body of small daughter washed away by rains was confronted by her mother

Moment when dead body of small daughter washed away by rains was confronted by her mother

Moment when dead body of small daughter washed away by rains was confronted by her mother

Several news keep flowing in about calamities occuring these days as a result of the inclement rainy weather. 

It was possible to recover the dead body of a twelve year old girl who incidentally was taken away by the torrential rain which poured in Agralbeththa in Agarapthana Torrington tea estate belonging to Agarapathana police division yesterday (18). 

It was small girl Madiyalagan Lakshmi (12) who succumbed to this tragedy. With her Madiyalagan
Sangeetha too was snatched away by the waters, it is understood. However even till night-time it was not possible to find her; but the 12 year old other schoolgirl's body too was found this morning, Agarapathana police say. Both these two girls are children born to one father but two mothers. They are students of Torrington Tamil College and they had been preyed upon by a gush of water overflowing from canal-route which supply water to Kothmale Oya. This tragedy has taken place on 18th around 3.30 in the afternoon. 

The corpse recovered of the small girl initially lies at Agarapathana government province hospital and inquiry into sudden deaths is expected to be carried out today (19). The moment when the girl's dead body was found with the mother embracing the small girl in utter sorrow is seen in photographs below. Search operations are expected to be launched in search of the missing girl and the army too are taking steps in this connection. 

(Photos and notes - Gamini Bandara Ilangathilaka, Maskeliya)  

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