With threats on the 13th ... Colombo goes desolate -- low attendance in schools
A letter was directed to Sri Lanka across the Embassy of France that a suicide bomb attack is to be launched today, 13th Monday at several locations in the island. After the said communication became an item of news last week, security arrangements have been strengthened even further.
Police has announced that contents mentioned in the said communication has however not been
confirmed even by yesterday (12) and they have stated that the public is able to continue their regular activities s before. Whatever it is, information reveal that attendance of school children are on a low level today. In the same way, special security officers have been attached in the environs of government schools and international schools, it is reported.
confirmed even by yesterday (12) and they have stated that the public is able to continue their regular activities s before. Whatever it is, information reveal that attendance of school children are on a low level today. In the same way, special security officers have been attached in the environs of government schools and international schools, it is reported.
The traffic congestion seen on other days in the city of Colombo has ebbed away and gives a barren sight. Though activities in offices have commenced, it is reported that attendance however has dropped. What in fact was stated in the communication as locations vulnerable in this connection are, Wellawatta, Nawala, Panchikawatta and Fort railway station. In any case, nothing worthy of suspicion was reported from such locations as such.