"Aren't you doing as the Opposition ... what the government should do?" -- Camera mediaman asks Mahinda when he goes to school to dispel fears of students
Opposition leader Mahinda Rajapaksa has visited several schools around Colombo yesterday at a time when attendance of school children has declined and on the reason that parents and students had displayed a fear after the bomb blasts that occured recently as news has spread to that effect.
In any case, 3 weeks after the series of bombs there were accusations against the Opposition that riots were created so that curfew will be imposed. In the process what the education minister informed was that the Opposition has tried to delay school activities as much as possible and thereby reap political gain by instabilising the country. Though the education minister has requested students to attend
school during the time curfew was enforced from time to time, when attendance was at a low ebb during the past few days -- what Opposition leader Mahinda has once remarked was that covering the syllabus was what was essential but preparing an environment where the fear of children was alleviated.
school during the time curfew was enforced from time to time, when attendance was at a low ebb during the past few days -- what Opposition leader Mahinda has once remarked was that covering the syllabus was what was essential but preparing an environment where the fear of children was alleviated.
In the meantime, attendance in schools had increased by about 90 percent has after Wesak holidays and a camera mediaman has questioned Mahinda when the latter was making his rounds in Colombo schools, "Isn't it something that a government should do that you are doing as the Opposition?" Mahinda's reply in this connection was, "No ... so we should do this, no ... according to the situation that prevails now; the point is not whether we are in the government or Opposition. The fear enveloping the country, the public should be dispelled. The public ... the children cannot be kept away from schools always ... can't avoid gong to the office ... the economy will face a big loss".